Government BMET is the first and mandatory step for employees who are interested in going abroad. After successful database registration, the user will receive a BMET registration card.
It contains a BMET identification number and the necessary information of the registered person. Many times how to do BMET card. He is searching the internet for information.
Today we will tell you through this post. How do you register BMET card and what is BMET? So friends, without further ado, let’s start the main discussion. I hope I can understand you through this post.
What is BMET? Want to know a lot of your time. At present, the economic condition of Bangladesh is very dependent on foreign remittances. Almost lakhs of workers work abroad every year.
There are many precedents of selling everything in the hands of brokers and going to work outside the country. As people are affected by it.
Similarly, it has a serious impact on the economy of Bangladesh. So now everyone wants to work outside the country legally. Bangladesh government has come forward to solve this issue.
A person must carry a smart BMET card to legally work abroad from Bangladesh. Now you must know what is BMET card and how to get card in BME.
According to the rules of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, this card is issued to expatriate workers going abroad through the Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (BMEP).
Those of you who want to know about bmet card. You can take our website. The government’s main objective of creating BMEs was to protect migrant workers from brokers.
They can go abroad at a low cost. What is the use of BMET? It is being informed through this post. Bangladeshi workers are generally processed to go abroad
for investment in countries that have facilities. Immigration clearance is regulated for workers recruited for employment abroad. Mandatory data entry registration of information online
for all persons intending to go abroad. You have to apply in the prescribed form in favor of Director General of Manpower Bureau. For which payment of Tk 200 has to be made through Bikash Cash or Rocket.
Many times you want to download BMET card and how to download BMET card in exchange for passport. Want to know about it. Today we are telling you that through this post.
So stay tuned till the end. The Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training under Ministry of Expatriate Welfare provides BMET card services.
Licensing of recruiting agencies, suspension of their licenses, Fingerprinting, training, certifying, terminating, controlling expatriate workers. Hope I could give you detailed information.