FNAC Test Price in [Popular Diagnostic Center, IBN Sina]

Various tests may be required during our visit to the hospital. Now if we know before taking the test what is the cost of con test. Then it is better for us. Today, through this post,

I am going to show you the prices of various tests. I will discuss the details about that. You will understand if you read the article carefully from the beginning to the end.

The price of the test varies from time to time in different places, depending on the government and private hospitals. How does this hna test exam examine any disease or tumor on the skin.

The method is called fine needle aspiration psychology. Many times you come to the internet and want to know about this exam. I will discuss detailed information through today’s post.

Read the article carefully from the beginning to the end. Today we present to you through this post how much Esper Trainin Exam cost. I will discuss about that.

The cost of FNAC test is fixed at Tk 1,200 depending on the hospital. 1000 to 2200 taka has to be spent for this depending on the institution. Now you may be wondering why this test is done.

There are several reasons for doing the FNAC test. For example, breast cancer may require different types of tests. With FNS, a sample of the lump is obtained using a small or thin needle.

The doctor is allowed to diagnose this disease within two to three days after the test is done. How much money do you need to do this test at Popular Diagnostic Center?

To find out about it, they turn to the Internet. So today through this post I am going to tell you how much money is required to get tested at a popular diagnostic center. I will tell you.

Diagnostic centers around Dhaka cost 1200 taka. However, hospitals spend only 1000 rupees. So if you want you can get this test done at the nearest hospital or Ibn Sina or popular hospital.

FNAC Test Price

For those of you who want to know about the FNAC test for your breast. Then you can come to our website today. Basically it is breast cancer and we may need to test her if she sees several problems.

If you want, you can get tested at nearby hospitals like Ibn Sina Medical College and Popular Diagnostic Center. A FNAC test is needed if any problems are found or to know the tumor profile.

It is known from the hospital that this test can be done in private colleges in Bangladesh. It is not always clear whether a tumor is small or large. Or it could be something other than a tumor.

Which type of tumor it is, can be understood through the NFSC test. What kind of tumor is it? I have given detailed information through this post. For FNAC test you must contact any of your diagnostic center.