Do you want to know about Panchagarh Express? If want to know about Panchagarh Express train then stay with our post. We will discuss about Panchagarh Express train in our post today.
Many people don’t know about Panchagarh Express train schedule, ticket price and off days or holidays. For those of you who don’t know about Panchagarh Express Train Schedule, Ticket Price,
Off Day then read our post from the beginning to the end with full attention. If you read our post with full attention from the beginning to the end, you will know the details about Panchagarh Express Train.
Table of Contents
panchagarh express train schedule 2022
Currently, there are many trains running in our country. These trains are Kishoreganj Express, Benapole Express, Haor Express, Chattla Express, Banlata Express,
Banglabandha Express, Kurigram Express etc. These trains include the Panchagarh Express train. This train carries passengers from different stations and takes them to their destinations.
Many people now travel by train as train journey is comfortable and safe. And many people want to know the schedule of this train to travel by Panchagarh Express train.
Panchagarh Express Ticket Price, code
And to know the schedule of this train many go online to various websites and search for Panchagarh Express train schedule. And so you can easily know the schedule of this train,
so we have discussed it in detail in this post. Panchagarh Express train runs from Dhaka to Panchagarh and from Panchagarh to Dhaka. This train leaves Dhaka for Panchagarh at 22:45
and reaches Panchagarh at 8:50. Again the train leaves Panchagarh for Dhaka at 12:30 and reaches Dhaka at 21:55. There are several types of Panchagarh Express train tickets.
panchagarh express train off day
A separate amount of principal is required for each ticket. E.g. – 550 taka to buy an ornamental chair ticket and 1035 taka for first class C, 1260 taka for AC seat and 1892 taka for AC berth ticket.
The Panchagarh Express train runs between Dhaka and Panchagarh. While traveling to and from Dhaka and Panchagarh, the train takes station breaks at several stations
and carries passengers from the stations. Those stations are – Bimanband, Santahar, Parvatipur, Dinajpur, Pirganj, Thakurgaon. There are different types of trains in our country
panchagarh express train tracking, Seat Plan, Location
and some of the trains have off days or holidays. Trains stop on those days. But because of high demand of Panchagarh Express train, this train takes no holiday.
This train carries passengers daily from Dhaka to Panchagarh and from Panchagarh to Dhaka. In addition to Panchagarh Express train, our website also
discusses other trains in detail. If you are interested to know about all other trains of our country then you can read other posts on our website.