If you are ever asked which vehicle you would always choose for travel. The question will arise that people are most comfortable traveling by train.
So you can know the detailed train schedule fare list from our website. Today we will discuss Rajshahi to Dhaka and Dhaka to Rajshahi Padma Express train through this post.
Which runs regularly from Dhaka to Rajshahi and Rajshahi to Dhaka regularly. If you read the article carefully from the beginning to the end, I hope you can get detailed information about this.
Table of Contents
Padma Express Train Schedule
So without further ado let’s get to the main discussion. Hope you understand all the information. From here you can know detailed information about Padma Express train and travel safely.
Then I will definitely suggest you to travel by Padma Express train. Dhaka to Rajshahi Padma Express train departs at 11:00 PM and arrives at 4:30 AM and Rajshahi to Dhaka
departs at 4:00 PM and arrives at Dhaka at 10:40 AM. I have given detailed information before you. I hope you understand. Here you can know Padma Express Train Break Station Schedule.
Padma Express Train ticket price
Padma Express train from Dhaka to Rajshahi stops at any station. Make your trip enjoyable by knowing these things. Stop at ten stations on this long journey of the Padma Express train.
The names of the stations are given in the table below. We will give you detailed information about the Padma Express train ticket price. Read the article and know about it.
You can buy four types of tickets according to the category. Sobhan chairs, soft and sobhan. This is based on financial convenience and comfort. In this case, the ticket price is 315 taka
Padma Express Train off day
for luxury chair, 525 taka for comfort seat, 630 taka for AC seat and 1248 taka for berth. But in this case 15% VAT has to be paid for each ticket.
Through this post I have been able to give you detailed information. And if you want to get any information, you can visit the website. Here we will discuss about Padma Express train schedule
If you are new to Padma Express train then schedule is very important for you. First of all, Padma Express train has weekend holidays. It operates six days a week with one day off.
padma express train tracking, location, seat plan
This holiday is closed on Tuesday. When Padma Express train departs from any station and when it arrives is given in its own table.
Know that all trains are closed some day or the other. But many of you want to know about Padma Express train time schedule.
I will tell you all the information through today’s post. Dhaka to Rajshahi Padma Express train is closed on Tuesday and Rajshahi to Dhaka Padma Express.