Currently, the name of the digital transaction is bKash. As you know bKash is a mobile banking system of BRAC Bank. Through which we can send taka, receive taka, receive remittance
from one end of the world to another in a very short period of time. You can pay me online. We can pay all kinds of activities through bKash and our own shopping taka at super shop through bKash.
Now you may be wondering how to open a bKash account. You can get detailed information about it through this post. So guys, let’s start the main discussion. Previously, one had to open a train bKash account
by going to a store or a specific point. But if you want you can now create a bKash account at home. In this case, you will need an android phone i.e. smart phone mobile number internet connection and a voter ID card.
Through this article today I will discuss the detailed information before you. If you want to create a bKash account. Then you must download a bKash app from the website on your Android phone.
Enter the app and you will see an option called Registration. Click there and it will ask for your name and your voter ID card information. After providing all the information correctly you
have to provide the photograph of your voter ID card and the photograph of both sides of the voter ID card must be provided correctly. After that you have to take a selfie to verify your voter ID card.
If your face matches your voter ID card. Then your voter ID card and bKash account will be created automatically. Later you can do any transaction through the app.
Want to open bKash account. But there is no voter ID card. They can create a bKash account using birth certificate. But those who do not have voter ID card.
You can create a bKash account without birth certificate using their parents’ voter ID card. Hope friends have understood today’s article. For more information visit our website. Friends, what do you want to know?
How to open a bKash account with National Identity Card. You can create a bKash account at home if you want. For this you need to use a smartphone and download the official app of bKash from Google Play Store.
With the official app of bKash you can create a bKash account in just 5 minutes at home within your confirmation period. You will get 10 taka balance as soon as you create a new bkash account.