Currently, we have many passenger trains running in Bangladesh. These trains carry passengers from various stations to their destinations. Kurigram Express train is one among all other trains in our country.
Today in our post we will discuss about Kurigram Express train schedule, ticket price, off days etc. Those of you who are interested in Kurigram Express train schedule time,
Kurigram Express ticket price and Kurigram Express train off days or holidays can read this post with full attention from the beginning to the end.
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kurigram express train schedule 2022
If you read this post of ours with full attention, you will know all the details about it. We have published detailed information of various trains operated in Bangladesh Railway on our website.
Check other posts on our website to know about them. kurigram express train schedule currently there are many trains in our country. For example – Kishoreganj Express,
Chattla Express, Banlata Express, Panchagarh Express, Titas, Sonar Bangla Express, Subarna etc. These trains include the Kurigram Express train. And today we will discuss in this post about
kurigram express ticket price
Kurigram Express train schedule time. Those of you who are interested in this matter stay with this post. All trains in our country depart from different stations at different times to carry passengers.
Similarly Kurigram Express train departs from Dhaka to Kurigram at 20:45 and reaches Kurigram at 6:15 and departs from Kurigram to Dhaka at 7:15 and reaches Dhaka at 17:15
carrying passengers from various stations. The Kurigram Express train carries passengers from various stations. Kurigram Express is the name of a train. Tickets are required to travel on this train.
kurigram express train off day
No one can travel by train without a ticket. Many people want to buy Kurigram Express train tickets. But many people don’t know the Kurigram Express train ticket price.
And so for you to know about this very easily, we have discussed the ticket price of Kurigram Express train in this post on our website. If you want to travel by Kurigram Express train then you
can buy four types of tickets. For example, if you want to buy sofa chair ticket then you have to pay 510 taka and if you want to buy AC chair you have to pay 1015 taka.
kurigram express train time, Location, Code, Stoppage
Also and to buy AC berth ticket you need to buy Kurigram Express train ticket for 1575 taka. Like other trains, Kurigram Express train also has off days.
For example, Kurigram Express train’s off day is Wednesday. Kurigram Express trains stop on this day. We have published several other posts
on our website about Kurigram Express carrying passengers from certain stations at certain times. If you want, you can read other posts on our website.