Many times you come to the internet and how much money is required to do various tests at Evercare Hospital. Search the internet to find out. Its hospital has separate packages for pregnancy test and direct checkup.
You need to know about these packs. So today’s article is going to be very important for you. Read the article carefully from beginning to end. What is the cost of separate health packages for women and men?
Know the detailed information about it. Now K Hospital has Hajj Package, Child Checkup Package, General Health Package, Help Checkup Package for girls. You can accept these packages if you want.
So friends, let’s know about these packages. If you want, you can have a child checkup at Ever Care Hospital. It can be a boy or a girl. You can get a child checkup for just 9500 tk.
This checkup package includes tests such as urine profile, diet consultation, lipid profile, glucose, consultation, fee ultrasonogram, ABO and Rh grouping and complete hemogram.
You can do these tests if you want. Besides, Eberkar Hospital has several other health packages. You can visit the official website of this hospital to know about these health packages.
Now you want to know about various checkups in the hospital. Today we will discuss detailed information in front of you through this post. Usually there is a package for guys in their 40s.
You can get urine profile, diet consultation, lipid profile, glucose consultation, freecc acid and cyst PA tests for 17 thousand rupees. I will give you a link. You can book through this link. Now the question may come in your mind that how much money is required for delivery
Evercare Hospital Test Price List
or pregnancy test at Everkr Hospital. Through this post, I will discuss the details in front of you. Hope you can get idea about these packs. The price of this test has been
fixed at 33 thousand taka for women aged 45 years. From here you can get all 20 types of tests done. Hope friends have understood today’s article.
I have given you the address of Care Hospital website By visiting this website you can get a complete idea about the various packages of this hospital
and also you can see a chart on our website. According to this chart, you will get a clear idea of how much money is required to perform different tests at Everlayer Hospital.