The full form of ECG is electrocardiography. A basic test, usually to detect any heart problems or before proceeding with other complex tests related to the rate.
There are many people in our country who are suffering from various heart problems. For which they have to do ECG. It is regularly done in three steps. Eg – Resting ECG, Space ECG and Ambulatory ECG.
ECG test is done in different parts of our country. Here in this post, we will discuss in detail about the cost of ECG test in our country i.e. Bangladesh. Also, we will discuss in detail here
the price of ECG test at Ibn Sina and Labaid Hospital. ECG test is done in various hospitals and diagnostic centers of our country and the cost of ECG test is slightly higher in each place.
Many people want to know about the cost of ECG before doing ECG. So we will give you an idea about the cost of ECG test in Bangladesh. If you want to do ECG then you can do ECG between 200 to 400 tk.
For example, if you get an ECG from a popular diagnostic center, it will cost 350 tk. Besides, if you do ECG from Bardem General Hospital then you can do it for 300 taka.
Apart from that hospital, ECG is done in other places of our country. It is a very inexpensive test. There are many people who want to do ECG because of their heart problems
and they want to do that ECG from Ibn Sina Hospital. And so they want to know the price of ECG test there. If you want to do ECG from Ibn Sina Hospital then you can do
it for very little money. Because they do different types of tests for very little money and they give 25% discount on their tests. If you want to do ECG from there,
you can do ECG by paying 225 tk. Labaid Diagnostic Center is a very good and high quality diagnostic center of our country. Many modern treatments are offered here.
Also, various types of tests are done here with digital components. In our other posts, we have published the ECG test price at Labaid Hospital.