Suppose you want to travel somewhere. Now before traveling you may be wondering which mode of transport is the best bus service. Today is very good for you.
So today, through this post, we will inform you about the contact address of Eagle Transport, their contact address, mobile number, AC bus service fare, and non-service fare. Read the article carefully from the beginning to the end.
Eagle Transport bus services usually provide national services to passengers in the northern region. Sirajganj, Rajshahi, Chapainawabganj, Lalmonirhat are providing bus services worldwide.
Today we will discuss detailed information about the King of Eagle Transport in front of you through this post. You will understand if you read the article carefully from the beginning to the end. So guys, let’s start the discussion.
Every bus of Eagle Transport has a manager and experienced guide. Due to which Eagle Transport works best to avoid any kind of hassle. Besides, these transports have separate experienced drivers for each bus.
Due to which they are less likely to cause transport accidents or accidents. So today we will discuss the details of contact numbers with the Eagle family through this post. We will try to present it to you through our posts.
About each of Eagle Transport’s routes and how many vehicles travel on that route. Those of you who are regular visitors to our website must know this. How much we value your comments.
Eagle Transport has a bus route from Dhaka to Chuadanga and Chuadanga to Alamdanga. Multinationals ply this route daily and employ the services of Eagle Transport.
As we have told you all the counter numbers of Eagle Transport today as the main discussion. In that continuation, now we will present each counter number of Dhaka Division in front of you.
Gabtali Counter Number Two- 01779 492999. Gabtali Counter No. 5 – 01779 493156. Gabtali No 6 Counter -01793 32808 Abdullahpur Counter – 01793 327 856. Nabinagar Counter – 01920 755 158.
Eagle Paribahan Contact Number
Now I am going to show you how to buy Eagle Transport tickets. I will discuss about that. These transport tickets are very cheap. Maximum fare on AC bus
from Dhaka to Chuadanga Road is between Tk 1300 to Tk 1700, Besides, Eagle Transport has sleeping bus service where you have to pay Tk 2000 for each seat.
If you want to travel by non-AC bus service from Dhaka to Chuadanga route, you will rent a bus for Tk. 750 to 850. Hope friends, through this post, I have been able to provide you
with detailed information about the online ticketing system, ticketing rules and how much the fare is. And if you want to know any information, you can know by visiting our website.