Many people now prefer to travel by train as train travel is very comfortable and less risky. And now as the demand for trains is high, different types of trains run in our country.
These trains carry passengers from one end of the country to the other and deliver the passengers safely to their destination. All the trains that are currently running in our country are Haor Express,
Panchagarh Express, Kishoreganj Express. There are also Chattla Express, Banlata Express, Banglabandha Express, Kurigram Express, Nilsagar Express, Tungipara Express,
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dolonchapa express train new schedule
Benapole Express, Jamalpur Express etc. These trains include the Dolonchapa Express train. We will discuss Dolonchapa Express Train Schedule in our post today.
Many people want to know Dolonchapa Express Train Schedule. And to know all these things they visit different websites online and search for Dolonchapa Express train schedule.
And so we have discussed in detail about this train schedule in this post. The Dolonchapa Express train travels to Santahar and Dinajpur. This train leaves Santahar for Dinajpur at 13:20 minutes
dolonchapa express train ticket price
and reaches Dinajpur at 20:10 minutes. Again departs from Dinajpur for Santahar at 6:05 and reaches Santahar at 12:25. At Santahar and Dinajpur,
the train takes station breaks at several other stations and picks up and alights passengers from those stations. The stations where the Dolonchapa Express train
stops are – Talra, Sonatla, Mahimganj, Bonarpara, Gaibandha, Bamondanga, Peergacha, Rangpur, Badarganj, Kholahati, Parvatipur etc. As the demand for trains is very high in our country now,
Dolonchapa train off day
trains also run a lot. And to travel in all these trains, tickets are now required. No one can travel by train without a ticket. Anyone traveling by train without
a ticket is subject to legal penalties. Dolonchapa Express train has several types of tickets. Prices vary for each ticket type. For example, Suban ticket price is 120 taka,
Suban chair price is 145 taka, Fast berth is 290 taka, AC seat is 290 taka, Snigdha ticket is 240 taka and AC berth ticket is 430 taka.
dolonchapa train tracking, location, new route
Dolonchapa Express train has off days or holidays. But many people don’t know which is the holiday of this train. So we will tell you through this post when is the off day
or holiday of Dolonchapa Express train. Holiday for Dolonchapa Express train is Sunday. Dolonchapa Express train stops on this day. Apart from Dolonchapa Express train,
other trains are also discussed on our website. You can know more about other trains in our country by reading other posts on our website.