Dhaka to Rangpur Train Schedule, Ticket Price, Station List, Route

Do you want to know about the trains running from Dhaka to Rangpur? If you want to know about these trains then read our post. In this post, we will discuss Dhaka to Rangpur train schedule, ticket price and holidays.

If you read our post from the beginning to the end with full attention, then you will know all the details. Currently, as the demand for trains in our country is very high,

many passenger trains travel from one end of the country to the other end. Among these passenger trains, there are some trains that only carry passengers from Dhaka to Rangpur.

dhaka to rangpur train schedule 2022

Many people prefer to travel by train to different places as traveling by train is very convenient and safe. Many people want to go from Dhaka to Rangpur by train. And so they want to know about

the trains that go to Rangpur from Dhaka to Rangpur. And that’s why today we have discussed in this post about the train schedule from Dhaka to Rangpur.

There are only two passenger trains from Dhaka to Rangpur, these two are Rangpur Express and Kurigram Express. These two trains carry passengers from Dhaka to Rangpur.

dhaka to rangpur train station list

The Rangpur Express train departs from Dhaka for Rangpur at 9:10 and reaches Rangpur station at 19:05. Again the Kurigram Express train departs from Dhaka for Rangpur

at 20:45 and reaches Rangpur at 4:55. Many people want to travel by train from Dhaka to Rangpur for various reasons. And so they want to know the ticket price of the trains

from Dhaka to Rangpur. Because no train can travel without a ticket. A ticket is required to travel by train. Anyone who travels by train without a ticket is fined. 

dhaka to rangpur train schedule and ticket price

So today in this post we have discussed the ticket price of trains from Dhaka to Rangpur. The two trains from Dhaka to Rangpur have three types of tickets.

Their prices are also different according to each ticket type. For example, Shobhan chair ticket price of these two trains is 505 taka, Snigdha ticket price is 966 taka

and AC ticket price is 1162 taka. The two trains that run from Dhaka to Rangpur have some holidays. But many people don’t know

dhaka to rangpur train ticket, route

when are the holidays of these two trains? And so they visit various websites online to know about it. That’s why today in our post we will discuss

about Dhaka to Rangpur train holidays. The two trains that carry passengers from Dhaka to Rangpur are Rangpur Express and Kurigram Express.

Rangpur Express train holiday is Monday and Kurigram Express train holiday is Wednesday. Trains are closed on these two days.