If you want to travel or need to travel from Dhaka to Bandarban for some work, you must travel by bus. Because there is no air transport system on Dhaka to Bandarban route.
Dhaka to Bandarban bus fare schedule in front of you bus fare and which buses ply. I will discuss about that. Dhaka to Bandarban bus schedule and fare list today you can find complete
information about which bus has arrived in Dhaka. The distance from Bandarban to Dhaka is about 326 km. You understand that Dhaka is at a great distance from Bandarban.
But one of the means to establish communication with this area is bus. You understand that Dhaka is at a great distance from Bandarban. But one of the means to establish communication with this area is bus.
Friends, let’s see if there are any buses plying on the Dhaka to Bandarban route. Several bus companies have launched their buses on the Bandarban to Dhaka route.
In every tourist area therefore many buses ply this route. Bandarban is a district of Chittagong Division located in the South Eastern part of Bangladesh. It is a hilly district of Bangladesh.
Besides, Bandarban has another identity that it is the least populated district of Bangladesh. Bandarban district has a total of seven upazilas and seven police stations.
The district also has 33 unions and 96 mauzas in two municipalities. There are bus services of several transport companies like Soudia Paribahan, Royal Coach, Green Line Paribahan,
Shyamoli Paribahan Paribahan. I will discuss bus fare on Dhaka to Bandarban route before you. Hanif Enterprise has priced their Non AC bus ticket at 620 taka.
Dhaka to Bandarban Bus Ticket Price
Hanif Enterprises has priced their AC bus tickets at 1400 taka. St. Martin Hyundai Express has priced their AC bus ticket at 1400 taka. Saudia Coach Service has priced their non AC bus tickets at 620 taka.
You spend a lot of time searching the internet to know about the transport services of several buses from Dhaka to Bandarban. Those of you who want to book Bandarban to Dhaka
bus tickets online will get all the information by visiting our website. We have very nicely shown on our website how to book bus tickets online. 1400 taka Shyamali Travels bus fare 10600 taka.
Bus fare is 1800 taka with St. Martin Transport. Saint Martin Hyundai Paribahan bus fare 1600 taka. Desh Travels Business Class bus fare is 1500 taka. Hope friends have understood today’s article.