Al Haramain Hospital Sylhet Contact Number, Doctor List, Location

Today we will discuss in detail about Al Haramain Hospital Private Limited Sylhet doctor address, location and its medical services through this post. If you want to know about Al Haramain Hospital

Sylhet doctor list all information. Then this article is for you. You can easily get all the information of doctors sitting at home. By Al-Haramain Hospital Private Limited is a private

hospital which is located in Sylhet. Managed by ultra-modern multi-team and multi-doctor. It also has specialist doctors and 250 beds. Address of the hospital. I mention before you.

Do you search Al-Haramain Hospital contact address, contact number, and address? Then today’s article is very important for you, Doctor Khandaker Abdul Talha MBPS MCPS.

This hospital has high quality medical facilities with experienced doctors as well as experienced nurses to provide treatment to all the patients who are admitted here.

Apart from this, it has digital equipment for all diseases examination and air-conditioned operation theatre Al-Haram Ain Hospital is open 24 hours to provide treatment.

And those of you who want to know for which disease the specialist doctor is treating. All those lists are there. You can easily contact each and every specialist doctor from your list here.

All these specialist doctors sit in their own chambers and have serial hotline numbers in their chambers. You can inform about the hospital by contacting us here. Hope friends understand.

You have come to the internet to know about the list of doctors in Al-Haram Ain Hospital. So through today’s post I will discuss about the list of doctors here.

Al Haramain Hospital Sylhet Contact Number

Qualification MBBS, FCPS, Dr Khandaker Abu Talha, Neurosurgery, Department of Neuro Surgery, Dr Rahat Amin Chowdhury, Qualification MBPS MD, New Department Neurology Neurology,

List of doctors at Al Haramain Hospital and where this hospital is located. Today’s article is for those of you who are on the internet to know about that.

Al Haramain Hospital Pvt Ltd, Sobhanighat, Sylhet-3100, +880821729981 This is the address of Al Haramain Hospital, you can contact the said hotline number and contact address for any need.

Thanks so much for sticking around until the end. At present it is 250 Jasir and in future it is aimed to increase it to 500 beds in this hospital. Hope friends understand today’s article.