Agnibina Express Train Schedule, Ticket Price, Ticket Booking, Route, Fare, Time, Code

As you must know, we try to present various travel related information on our website consistently. Today is no exception. Today we will discuss about Agnibina Express train

in front of you through this post. This express train runs from Dhaka to Tarakandi. Through this post, you can know train station name, holiday, departure time, arrival time, detailed information.

Read the article carefully from the beginning to the end and know the detailed information about it. Hope you get all the right information through this post.

agnibina express mymensingh to dhaka schedule

Today we are attaching detailed information about this train including all halting place names, fare list, train departure schedule, weekly closing days for the convenience of passengers

so that any passenger can collect all the information from this article of ours and travel with ease and safety. If you want to travel by train then you can travel safely Agnibina train

departs from Dhaka at 9:45 AM and reaches Tarakandi at 3:00 PM. Departs Tarakandi at 1:30 PM. Reached Dhaka at 10:35. We have provided detailed information

Agnibina Express Train ticket price

about Agnibina Express train schedule for you. If you want to travel by advance express train. Be sure to keep these schedules in mind and purchase tickets accordingly.

Bangladesh Many people travel by train and want to know about Agnibina Express train ticket price list. Today’s article is going to be very important for you.

Through this article, I will give you detailed information about the train schedule. The fare of these three is very low and this train has 6 seat categories such as: Shobhan,

agnibina express ticket booking

Shobhan Chair, First Seat, First Berth, Sinikda and AC Seat. So the fare of each seat is given in the table below, easily know from here.

The maximum and minimum ticket fare to Shobhan is 125 taka and the maximum ticket price is 1250 taka. Hope through this post I have given you detailed

information about Agnibina Express train schedule and fare list. Agnibina train departs from Dhaka at 9:45 am and reaches Tarakandi at 3 pm. Again it leaves Tarakandi

agnibina express bd route, fare, time, code

at 1.30 pm and reaches Dhaka at 10.35 pm. Through this post, I will discuss the detailed information about the weekly closing days

of Agnibeena Express. Hope it will be very useful for you. Agnibina Express from Dhaka to Tarakandi and Tarakandi to Dhaka

has no holidays. The train operates seven days a week. Through this post, I have been able to inform you in detail.